Cart rolling on incline

  1. The plots x(t), v(t), a(t), f(t) vs. time are again similar to those for a bouncing ball, with the difference that here the v(t) plot shows slightly different slopes for upward and downward motions. From each fit the two values of the acceleration may be derived, and from their difference the friction coefficient may be calculated.
  2. More acquisitions with different friction may be performed, and the energy (mgxsina+mv2/2) versus time plot shows that the energy loss is due both to the collisions and to the work done against friction.
  3. The oscillation period may be measured and plotted versus sqrt(Xmax,) (the predicted slope is still 4sqrt(2/a), but now the acceleration is a=gsina).
  4. By repeating the experiment with different values of the cart mass m and of the tilt angle a it may be shown that the period depends on a and not on the mass.

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